Thursday, 7 July 2011

hair fall prevention

Remember the old saying, "If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you". This applies to taking care of your hair.

Genetics and hereditary are hard to fight, but we don't need to help them along by the overuse of hair dyes, curling irons, poor diet and other factors that we have control over.

Did you know that hairdryers and curling irons are probably one of the leading causes of hair loss in both men and women!

Here are just a few simple steps you can take to keep as much hair on your head as possible:

1) Never color your hair more often than 8 weeks.

2) Never pull your hair into tight braids as this can lead to significant hair loss and scar tissue formation.

3) Eating the right foods is something else you can do for hair loss prevention. Make sure you have enough calcium in your diet. Calcium is very important in strengthening hair roots and follicles.

4) Most important, is to have a healthy lifestyle. Avoid smoking and get enough sleep. Use a good shampoo and hair conditioner. Reduce the amount of processed foot that contain chemicals, preservatives and an abundance of salt and or sugar. A diet rich in protein including food such as low-fat cheese, eggs, almond, beans sprouts, fish, seafood and yogurt is important since hair is made primarily from protein. Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink as it also has an effect on hair growth.&hair prevention.

5) Keeping healthy and avoid getting sick also helps maintain a healthy scalp.  Certain antibiotics and medication cause hair loss, so keeping yourself in good physical condition can avoid sickness and minimize the need for all these medications

6) One of the easiest ways to control your hair loss is the way you wash and shampoo your hair.  Avoid harmful chemicals when coloring your hair, and avoid shampoos that contain harsh chemicals that can not only damage the hair shaft, but affect the hair follicle. Look for products that are organic.

7) The use of multi-vitamins and minerals can have a dramatic effect in maintaining not only a healthy head of hair, but a healthy body.  Zinc, vitamins B6 and E and important for hair prevention..

8) Seek medical attention if you have sudden hair loss.  It may be a sign of an underlying health problem that demands immediate attention.


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