Wednesday, 6 July 2011

One Of The Main Reasons For Hair Loss And How To Manage:

To reduce hair loss and to stop the development of symptoms of balding people to take more action. But you have a guide to stop hair loss effectively. Hormonal problems is one of the main causes of hair loss in women. A large gland that affects hair loss in women is the thyroid. Whether it is more reactive or responsive as it will cause the problem of hair loss in women. Also, when estrogen out of balance, then the problem of hair loss in women can occur. This will be fixed by balancing the harmony. An easy way to control hair loss is Rub olive oil on your scalp, make a mixture of 2 tablespoons of olive oil, rosemary extract, juice of 1 lemon and 1 yolk egg and apply on hair. Wash your hair after the scalp massage with raw egg yolk for 1 hour straight. Hair loss is also affected by poor maintenance of a person's hair.

Wearing ponytails, cornrows or tight rollers can cause a type of hair loss is called traction alopecia. In this case, from hair and loss of strength. Only when the tractor is stopped, the sharp decline will stop and the hair grows normally. Also the use of chemicals on the hair is one of the reasons for hair loss. These chemicals cause the scalp to swell and excite the hair follicles and scarring of the scalp. Hair care is a good way to check. Environmental pollution, extreme weather conditions and suffering makes the scalp dirty. If neglected dirt is deposited on the scalp as layers. These layers block the lock of hair and make it weak. A small lock of hair could not really keep the hair in its roots as a result of hair loss is evident. Although there are no problems with the supply of vitamins and hormonal supply, some people are serious hair loss because of this dirt collects on the scalp.    

Hair loss is a problem of more people. Nobody wants to be completely bald.


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