1. HOW TO PREVENT FALL OUT OF HAIR: Hair in normal and healthy conditions does not fall out at an alarming rate. The excess fall out occurs mostly when the hair condition is extremely dry, rough and damaged. Conditioning and nourishing of hair are the top priorities to prevent excess hair loss. Cream rinses help the dry and rough hair to regain its flexibility. Generous application of moisturisers and oil preparations replenish the moisture and oil in the dry hair. Massage is a very important element of the scalp treatment to control excess fall out of hair. It invigorates the blood circulation, giving hair an increased supply of nutrition and oxygen for healthy growth. Massage also stimulates the dormant hair follicles to grow fresh hair. A fundamental principal in natural hair loss treatment is that the same foods that are good for your health are good for your hair. Foods that are high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and have reduced fat content can help in maintaining healthier hair and preventing hair loss. For example, soybean, essential fatty acids, found in spinach, walnuts, soy, tuna, sardines, sunflower seeds and canola oil, are important dietary essentials useful in keeping hair healthy. Vitamins and Amino Acids are important for your health and they can also help you to have superior hair growth. Scalp Massage with a natural oil helps stimulate circulation of the scalp and remove dead skin and deposits that may get in the way of healthy hair growth and the health of the follicles which actually are the gateway to healthy growth and maintenance. Every time you wash your hair, be sure to massage the scalp as well. As you know the sebaceous glands are very important for the healthy hair. But the oil also helps dirt and dust to stick to it. Though it is important to clean the dirt, too much cleaning can be bad. So don’t use the shampoo too frequently. Wearing you hair up or pulling up your hair in to tight pony tails is bad. Even barrettes can have an effect on your hair health and growth. Avoid using any restrictions on your scalp. Try to keep you hair as free as possible. The mechanical action can result in hair loss, hair is plucked out the skin leaving the bald patches. The condition is known as traction alopecia and trichotillomania. Avoid all types of processing on your hair as much as possible, like coloring, straightening, perming, highlighting, blowing dry excessively, straight ironing, curling irons and any other high heat or harsh chemical methods of styling the hair. These will just aggravate your condition by further weakening the internal structure and chemical bonds of the hair shaft, as well as drying the scalp and irritating it further, making the hair fall out more easily at the root. Do not choose shampoos that are drying. Instead choose shampoos that are creamier and contain clarifying ingredients. Only use quality hair thickening shampoos and conditioners that are actually designed for women with naturally thin, limp hair. Although certain types of medicine are known to slow down the process of hair loss and even help with some form of hair re-growth, remember that natural hair loss treatment can yield some of the best benefits for anyone concerned about the health of their hair. The safest and most cost effective way to have a fast hair growth is to use Natural Herbal Supplements which are available for DHT Hair Loss or as Women Health Supplements for hair loss due to menopause and other causes. A good regimen of exercise and proper hair care techniques also help you to have a good control of hair loss and faster hair growth. 2. HOW TO CONTROL HAIR LOSS: For hair loss control to be effective, it is essential to first know the exact cause of the hair loss. Some hair shedding in men, as well as women, is normal and there need not be any peculiar cause for the hair loss. All hairs are shed at the end of their growth cycle and replaced by new hair, so some degree of hair loss is normal and there is no cause for the concern. If you have excessive hair loss, shedding more than 100 hairs a day on average, it makes sense to first understand the possible cause of hair loss before finding out the appropriate treatment. Best hair loss control can only be achieved if you know the exact cause of hair loss. If, as is sometimes the case, the direct diagnosis of the cause of hair loss becomes difficult, it can be analyzed indirectly by ruling out other causes of hair loss. Information on some of the most common causes of hair loss in men and the hair loss control is presented here. The cause of 95% of all hair loss in men is Androgenetic Alopecia, the scientific name for the genetic predisposition to Pattern Baldness in Men and Women Pattern Hair Loss. Whereas the hair loss control for this genetic hair loss condition in men has been discussedin other articles in this section, the cause for some other lesser known conditions is presented here. Alopecia areata is probably the second most common cause of hair loss and affects around 2% of people. It is a cause of sudden hair loss in men and sudden Hair Loss in Women. The cause for hair loss in this condition is an immune system disorder which prevents hair follicles from producing hair. Approximately 2% of all people experience an episode of alopecia areata at some point in their lives. Sudden loss of hair which is in the form of small patches on the head is a common symptom. In most cases, the condition is temporary and goes away all by itself within 6-7 months, and hair growth in the bald patch resumes. About 10% of those who have an episode of alopecia areata experience long-term hair loss, or new patches of hair loss develop as old patches resume hair growth. Topical corticosteroids or a combination therapy using Minoxidil and anthralin is used for hair loss control for this particular cause of hair loss. The hair loss control of Alopecia Areta also takes into consideration many factors such as the age of the patient and the extent of the disease. Advanced forms of the disorder include alopecia totalis, where all hair on the head is lost, and alopecia universalis, which results in the absence of all body hair. This condition is a very common cause of large amounts of hair falling out. Telogen effluvium is a slowing of new hair growth resulting from sudden severe emotional, physical, or hormonal stress, followed after a delay of about 2 months by the shedding of hair, sometimes in alarming amounts. With telogen effluvium, the stressful event induces a higher proportion of hair follicles to enter the resting stage all at the same time. A few months later, after the stressful event, all of the now-resting follicles begin to shed their hairs at about the same time. Because the stressful event happened months ago, most people do not connect it with their hair loss. It is a usually a temporary condition, and new hairs begin growing within a few months. Eventually the normal pattern of hair growth resumes so that with the next cycle of hair growth all of the follicles do not "rest" at the same time. Minoxidil is a direct hair growth stimulator and used for hair loss control in some cases of telogen effluvium; it helps to resume the anagen growth phase from telogen, resting hair follicles. 3. STOPPING HAIR LOSS: There's always a reason for excessive hair fall. Finding more and more hair on your comb each morning is a sign that you are losing more hair than normal. About 90% of the hair on your head is growing at any given time and the other 10% is in the dormant or resting stage and will fall out over the next three to four months. New hair will grow in those follicles and that cycle of hair growth continues for two or three years. It's normal to lose hair everyday, but when your comb fills with hair each morning it's time to identify the cause and take action accordingly. There are several issues that can cause rapid hair fall, so the easiest way to stop it is to find its cause. Stress and illness can cause hair fall. Hormonal imbalance or an overactive thyroid gland may also cause you hair to fall out temporarily. Certain hair styles can contribute to excessive hair loss. Chemicals in shampoos, conditioners and gels can cause swelling in the hair follicles, which results in hair loss. Diseases like diabetes or lupus can also cause hair to fall out suddenly, so a medical exam is always a good idea. Stopping hair loss the easy way is a simple process if you use a few proven methods. First, drink at least two cups of green tea a day. Green tea contains natural DHT inhibitors that lower the Dihydrotestostrone level in the bloodstream. Next, incorporate herbal supplements in your diet. Herbs like Saw Palmetto, Uva Ursi and Pygeum contain strong DHT inhibitors, which can help control hair loss. Also remember that a scalp massage keeps the blood circulating, so the follicles get the vitamins and minerals they need to function normally. A daily scalp massage is an easy way to stop hair loss. you can also have various fruit and vegetable juices as that will provide your body with antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals. Besides it will keep your system hydrated and will add a glow and shine to your skin and hair. This will also cleanse your system and flush out all the harmful toxins and waste matter from your body, which will ensure a healthy system that functions at its best level. Consume plenty of fresh salads, sprouts, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grain cereals, curd, and buttermilk for a balanced diet. Also consume flaxseed oil, as it is the richest plant source of essential omega 3 fatty acids that will improve the condition of your skin and hair making it shine with health. Besides it is also beneficial for your bone and tissue health. Avoid smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol as it dehydrates your body, increases the free radicals that damage your skin and hair. Also avoid refined packaged processed junk foods, as they do not have sufficient nutrition and cause more harm to your skin and hair. Besides this you can start yoga by practicing Dhyana or meditation everyday that will help to alleviate the stress and tension and will make you feel calm and peaceful. Next you can move on to the pranayama or the breathing exercises. These will help you breathe correctly and will harmonize the flow of oxygen in your body. Kapalbhati or the breath of fire is one such powerful breathing technique. Practice this daily for controlling your hair fall. Besides this you can also practice padahasta asana or the hand and feet pose also know as forward bend pose, and the bhastrika pranayama or the bellows as it is called. In the asanas you can practice the inverted postures that will help to increase the blood flow to your scalp stimulating hair growth and controlling the hair fall. 4. Hair fall control from massage theraphy: Hair loss can occur due to several reasons such as hereditary factors, certain strong medicines, unhealthy lifestyle, excessive smoking, improper diet resulting in nutritional deficiencies, excessive stress and tension, use of harsh chemicals or styling products, constant exposure to sun, pollution and dust, imbalance in your hormone levels, etc. you need to take care of what you eat along with practicing yoga as proper nutrition is essential for obtaining a healthy body, skin and hair. One of the way to prevent the hair fall is scalp massage. Massage therapy is a vast field that offers a lot of benefits to your body. It relieves stress and delivers a deep feeling of calmness to the client. Undergoing a regular course of massage every week will improve your mood immensely. In addition to this, massage will improve the superficial circulation and the condition of your skin. There are specific types of massage that target different parts of the body. One of the most popular of these is the scalp massage. A scalp massage offers a number of benefits to the body and mind. Let us take a look at some of them. A scalp massage improves the condition of your hair; it will also prevent the appearance of scabs. A regular scalp massage with oil nourishes the scalp and promotes hair growth. Regular massage will also make your hair healthier and easily manageable. Finally, a scalp massage will relieve stress and tension from your head, neck, and shoulders. A scalp massage is performed using different kinds of oils according to the type of your hair. Olive oil is perfect for oily hair, coconut oil is suitable for thin hair, and sesame oil is the best choice for a dry scalp. The oil used for scalp massage should be warm because this will help in opening the pores of your scalp and induce a sense of calm. Warm your oil by using a water bath. Put the oil in a glass bowl and put it in a larger bowl of hot water. Adding few drops of essential oil to the base oil you are using will integrate the benefits of aromatherapy with the benefits of massage. Adding a few drops of lavender will relieve stress and encourage a better night’s sleep. Adding jasmine essential oil to the base oil will reflect a refreshing feeling on your massage session. If you are really keen to improve the condition of your hair then you may want to complete your scalp massage with a yoga session after that. Meditation will improve the inner condition of your body as it affects your soul and mental condition while the massage will directly affect the outer part of your body. Both massage and yoga complete each other. Through yoga you will be able to master the proper way of breathing. Better breathing provides the body with a richer amount of oxygenated blood. This means that your scalp will benefit from both actions simultaneously. 5. Natural Hair Loss Prevention: Hair loss has always been quite common among men some studies say this is due to a lack of iron, the scalps skin condition and an under active thyroid gland. Either one or a combination of these things can cause your hair loss. Nevertheless, you will need to know what your problem is so that you can take steps toward hair loss prevention.Some supplements such as B complex, Evening Primrose oil, Fish Oil, Kelp, Lysine, Multivitamins and Multiminerals and Vitamin C can help with your hair loss prevention. The herbs Nettle Root Extract, Liquorice Extract, Horsetail, Saw Palmetto, Ginger and Psoralea Seeds also help with hair loss prevention. If you take time to add any of these herbs to a wellrounded diet you will help yourself when it comes to hair loss prevention. A fundamental principle here when it comes to using natural ways to prevent hair loss is that the same foods that are good for your health are good for your hair. There are numerous different factors that can cause hair loss, but if you do not pay attention to having proper nutrition you will be helping really yourself because nutrition plays a vital role in preventing hair loss in most people. This means that you will need to eat foods that are high in protein, that are low in carbohydrates, and have reduced fat content. These foods will help you to maintain healthier hair while also preventing hair loss. For example, essential fatty acids, which are found in spinach, walnuts, soy, tuna, sardines, sunflower seeds and canola oil, are important dietary essentials that are useful in keeping your hair healthy. The omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids also contain antiinflammatory properties that are useful in maintaining healthy hair. Insufficient levels of these essential fatty acids could also lead you to lose your hair faster. To avoid hair loss and have good healthy hair, a good nutritional diet is needed. Such a diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds. Some other things that you should include in your diet are apple cider vinegar, rosemary tea, sage tea and green tea. You should also try to reduce your salt, sugar, tea, coffee and chocolate intake while not skipping any meals, reducing your stress and avoiding the use of strong chemicals such as perms and color treatments on your hair. One of main causes of hair fall is dandruff, and there are many dandruff remedies at home, involving the use of vinegar, olive oil, and baking soda, which are easily available in the kitchen. Baking soda, for example, has a grainy texture that helps remove dead skin cells and excessive oil from your scalp, while retaining excessive natural oils. Apply baking soda to wet hair and rub it on your scalp. Leave this for about two to three minutes, and rinse thoroughly. Avoid shampooing your hair for a day as the baking soda can dry your hair and scalp. Another home remedy for dandruff involves the use of olive oil. Massage it into your hair and leave for seven to eight hours to smother the dandruff. Rinsing your scalp and hair with vinegar after shampooing is also one of the dandruff remedies that really work. 6. Ayurvedic remedies and herbal remedies for hair fall: Hair fall is one of the most common problems facing by us today. Both male and female persons can have this problem. Insufficient nutrition and stress of modern life are two vital reasons behind hair loss. Ignoring proper diet, not sleeping regularly and dirty, unclean scalp results unnatural hair loss. Heredity sometimes causes complete baldness. Now the question is how you can prevent this massive hair fall, which is slowly causing a mental dissatisfaction and anxiety. There are lots of ayurvedic remedies that can help you to make your hair strong and less vulnerable. You can try mustard oil with henna leaves. Burn 250grams mustard oil with 60grams henna leaves. You have to boil this mixture and then can preserve this mixture. Apply this mixture gently on your scalp. You can use onion to fight against hair fall. Onion juice with honey helps basically to fight against baldness. Onion contains vitamin-B6. And this vitamin is beneficial for growing of new hair. Applying coconut oil and coconut milk over scalp is beneficial in the treatment of hair loss. What we call today hot oil treatment is one of the oldest home therapies for hair losing. Heat the mixture and apply over your hair. Lemon juice is considered a medicine, which prevents hair fall. Dandruff problem and other itching disease of scalp can be remedied by lemon juice. Lemon contains vitamin-C. And this prevents this disease. Using of lettuce with spinach juice is also helpful for growing of hair. It basically makes hair long and strong. It should be used half a liter of that mixture a day. There are thousands of methods which can be used to keep your gorgeous, shiny hair protected from sun rays, ultraviolet ray and pollution. The paste of liquorices, with a pinch of saffron in milk is helpful. A fine paste made from pigeon pea or red gram is also applicable. There is also carrot juice with alfalfa leaf extract, amaranth paste, margosa leaves and all of these are very much effective not only fighting hair fall but also make your hair more black, more attractive and beautiful defying all damages. Appropriate intake of sufficient basic nutrients i.e. protein, fat, vitamin, carbohydrate is essential. Right proportion of all the basic nutrients is very much required for healthy hair. It’s not only applying several things on hair but also strengthening your hair root. And that is only possible when you make sure that you are healthy inside. And your outside beauty is a reflection of that. Nothing else. Rub onions on your scalp, where you are experiencing hair loss, it will turn red, when it turns red then more blood circulates to that area, essentially quenching the thirst of your hair follicles. Did you know hair loss occurs when your hairs are dying of thirst? This method helps surge your hair shafts with an abundance of blood, nourishing them and helping them grow thick and strong. Take some dry capsicum, also known as red bell pepper, and boil it in boiling water for about 7 minutes. Then let it cool for 15 minutes. Wash your hair then apply this tonic to your scalp. The properties in red bell pepper actually speeds up hair growth and promotes new growth as well. Capsicum is the best home remedy for thinning hair because it speeds up growth and strength. Rejuvenate with aloe vera gel. Take some aloe vera gel and add almond oil to it, then rub on your scalp for 2 minutes. Leave this in for 30 minutes, then shower it away. This cools and soothes your scalp, giving your hair breath and energy to grow.
Harmful shampoo and conditioner would damaged the hair slowly.So people should use the natural remedies items.
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We normally lose hair everyday. We lose about 100-150 strands a day but if you are losing more hair than the normal daily hair loss, there is definitely a problem. Losing hair can be a very distressing problem and it is important to know how to solve hair loss problems.
Proper diet and regular exercise are also essential for your hair health. Vitamins and nutrients deficiency can lead to thinning and falling hair. Have a well-balanced diet with protein and natural oils to stimulate hair growth. Regular exercise is also important if you want to solve hair loss. Stress is one of the factors that can influence hair loss. Physical activities, exercises and relaxation techniques can help release stress and improve your body's blood circulation including your scalp.
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