The most common type of hair loss, male pattern baldness, begins because of a chemical reaction involving specific hormones in the body. Inheritance factors can enable the hair follicles in the scalp to slacken, or weaken, when exposed to the DHT (dihydro-testosterone) hormone. The inherited form causes the DHT to react with a skin enzyme 5 – alpha reductase.One of the most popular treatments for male pattern baldness is Provillus. For the majority of males, Provillus causes a rise in the number of scalp hairs in its first year of use – this helps to replace the areas of bald or thin hair in certain areas of the scalp.Other benefits that have been recorded include a greatest slowing down of hair loss for men from 18 to 35. Provillus is available without a prescription in a convenient tablet form and topical solution approved by the FDA that are used daily for the treatment of male pattern baldness. You can get treatment at – you can also receive a free online consultation at www.healthbuy.comThe condition ‘male pattern baldness’ is the result of a genetic trait which males inherit from the maternal side (meaning if your mothers father suffered from the condition you will more than likely inherit his style of the disorder). Baldness in females’ works differently – it can be caused by illness or disease, stress, genetic factors or menopause (or a combination of these). An important fact regarding male hair loss has to be stated – it is not the hair falling out that causes bald patterns, because on average we all lose around 100 hairs every day, along with 100s of skin cells. Hair loss is due to the hair follicles not replacing the lost hairs. Each hair follicle is a tiny micro organ – and if these micro organs are exposed to the hormone DHT, these follicles weaken dramatically and struggle to cope with new hair production.As the hair follicles decrease in hair production, the density of the hair (or the thickness) reduces. Normally, the thinning of the hair in this form starts in the frontal area above the forehead – in conjunction the same may happen in the crown region of the head causing a ‘bald spot’. After a while, as no new hairs are being produced, baldness becomes apparent. Similarly, contrary to belief, women can also suffer from androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness), but is called diffuse androgenetic alopecia (female pattern baldness). What research has found over the past few years is women respond to minoxidil treatment much better than their male counterparts. At the moment there is no official approval of minoxidil stronger than 2% to be used in women, but doctors’ and dermatologists have been prescribing higher concentrations for many years with good results.
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